Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The Chronicles of Sirius Evermore, GENESIS

Harry Potter is for kids! The Chronicles of Sirius Evermore is for grown folks!

What if every God that ever existed including Buddha, Satan, Isis, Pan, Yahweh, Anubis, Zeus, etc., got together and discussed sentencing Jesus, all of Humanity and possibly the Earth to Death?

Then these same Gods call upong the mightiest immortal to ever exist and asked him to incarnate upon Earth as the Final Judge.

The only catch is that once upon Earth; it will be up to this Immortal to remember who he is and what his mission is on his own.

Feel your heart race in this breathtaking pageturner as this Incarnated Immortal gets mixed up in MAGIC, MARTIAL ARTS, THE OCCULT, SECRET GOVERNMENT PROGRAMS, and a SINISTER PLAN FOR WORLD DOMINATION.

Welcome to the world of SIRIUS EVERMORE AND GENESIS, The first book in "The Chronicles of Sirius Evermore.


Saturday, July 14, 2007


Aerial Mind-Control

The Threat to Civil Liberties

by Judy Wall, Editor/Publisher Resonance Newsletter of the MENSA Bioelectromagnetics Special Interest Group

NEXUS Magazine, October-November 1999Vol. 6, No. 6 Judy Wall can be contacted by mail at:
Judy Wall, Editor/PublisherRESONANCE684 County Road 535Sumterville FLUSA 33585

** She has stated that her interest is in objective reports only - not victim testimonials.**

Eleanor White's comments: This hard hitting article by Judy Wall, who is NOT a mind control victim and in fact avoids victim testimonials in favour of only factual objective material, contains some POWERFUL items not widely known among involuntary mind control experimentees. These items in her article below have had the font size increased a notch so that the visitor can scroll down and see just those items if time or interest is short.

WAY TO GO, Judy!


The United States Air Force uses aerial mind-control broadcasts against
civilian population as well as enemy troops. Some of these actions against
civilians are done with the intent of influencing public opinion and the
outcome of elections.
In a previous article, we examined mind-control technology, especially that
utilizing Silent Sound [TM], in which radio-frequency broadcasts carry
subliminal patterns that entrain the listener's brainwaves into a pre-
selected emotional state. According to ITV wire service reports, this
technology was used during Operation Desert Storm in 1991, as part of the
US Psychological Operations (PsyOps) directed against Iraqi troops. [1,2]
To the Desert Storm offensive we can now add several other incidents.
Alex Horvat, editor of The Probe, calls to our attention the 1998
video, Exotic Weapons of Mass Control, produced by Bob Fletcher.
"The excerpt played on Fletcher's video is from TLC (The Learning Channel)
and clearly states that Commando Solo was used in Haiti for what was called
Operation Uphold Democracy. As the general populace was violently
opposed to Aristide and most in favor of his ouster, it took nearly a year
of this clandestine counter-programming to get them to change their minds.
Instead of butchering a population physically, we can no manipulate them
mentally, virtually enslaving their thoughts with a criss-cross pattern
of flights by an EC-130 (which is just a C-130 heavily laden with electron-
ic hardware.) [3]
We were not at war with the citizens of Haiti, yet the U.S. Government
directed military weapons against this friendly, or at least neutral,
civilian population. The U.S. Government sanction the "rigging" of the
Haitian election by mental control of the people, programming them to cast
their votes for the Americans' favored candidate. And they had the nerve
to call it "Operation Uphold Democracy". Some sense of humor!
Stalin would have loved it. Hitler would have loved it. Why is the U.S.
Government doing this? Who is behind this flagrant violation of civil
liberties? Is it the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) which has a
long history of interfering in foreign government politics? Or has this
become standard military procedure?
The rationale is always the same: "to make the world safe for democracy".
Yet what is democracy if not freedom? Freedom to think your own thoughts;
freedom to express your own opinions; freedome to vote for the candidate
of your own choice.
Fletcher's video also mentions that the same technology was used against
the Bosnia population for a week to influence their election. [4] This
was probably done during Operation Joint Guard in 1995. [5]
The questions arise: If they have used mind-control broadcasts against
foreign civilian populations to influence elections, will they use them
against American citizens -- or have they already? What other countries
may be the recipients of this innovative technology?
Just what is this EC-130E Commando Solo? The United States Air Force has
helpfully published a fact sheet that describes the Lockheed built air-
craft. [6] This 1995 bulletin states that the "unit flyaway cost" is more
than US $100 million each, and that there are eight in the inventory. Its
primary function is "Psychological operations broadcasts". The crew
consists of four officers (pilot, copilot, navigator, control chief/EWO)
and seven enlisted members (flight engineer, loadmaster, five mission
According to the fact sheet:
"Air Force Mission: Commando Solo conducts psychological operations and
civil affairs broadcast missions in the standard AM, FM, HF, TV and
military communications bands. Missions are flown at maximum altitudes
possible to ensure optimum propagation patterns. The EC-130 flies during
either day or night scenarios with equal success, and is air refuealable.
A typical mission consists of a single ship orbit which is offset from the
desired target audience. The targets may be either military or civilian
"Secondary missions include command and control communications counter-
measures (C3CM) and limited intelligence gathering.
"Air Force Features: Highly specialized modifications have been made to
the latest version of the EC-130. Included in these modifications are
enhanced navigation systems, self-protection equipment, and the capability
of broadcasting color television on a multitude of world-wide standards
throughout the TV VHF/UHF ranges.
"Air Force Background: Air National Guard EC-130 aircraft flown by the
193rd Special Operations Group were deployed to both Saudi Arabia and
Turkey in support of Desert Storm. Their missions included broadcasts of
'Voice of the Gulf' and other programs intended to convince Iraqi soldiers
to surrender.
"The EC-130 was originally modified using the mission electronic equipment
from the EC-121, known at the time as the Coronet Solo. Soon after the
193rd SOG received its EC-130s, the unit participated in the rescue of US
citizens in Operation Urgent Fury, acting as an airborne radio station
informing those people on Granada of the US military action.
"Volant Solo, as the mission is now known, was instrumental in the success
of coordinated psychological operations in Operation Just Cause, again
broadcasting continuously throughout the initial phases of the operation."
Operation Just Cause? this is another propaganda name, applied to
the U.S. invasion of Panama to take out that country's leader, General
Noreiga, the CIA's erstwhile partner in drug smuggling. Apparently the
General had made someone mad -- how else to account for the massive in-
vasion of this tiny tourist country? To wit: "A superpower whipped the
poop out of 10 percent of the police force of a Third World nation. You
are supposed to be able to do that. It was done well, and I credit those
who did it. But it is important that we draw the right lessons from it"
according to an anonymous US Marine. [7]
Our Commander-in-Chief had another point of view: "...the roll call of
glory, the roster of great American campaigns -- Yorktown, Gettysburg,
Normandy, and now Panama."
--President George Bush, March 1990 [8]
In a phone call to the USAF Special Operations Command Public Affairs
Office, I questioned the legitimacy of using these subliminal broadcasts
against civilian populations. [9]
[Judy Wall's article on Silent Sound for details.]
I was told that it was all perfectly legal, having been approved by the
U.S. Congress (!). It may be okay by Congress, but I sincerely doubt that
it would be approved by the recipient populations.
That conversation also elicited more information concerning the Commando
Solo units. For instance, the Air National Guard
of the individual states in the U.S. can also operate
Commando Solo aircraft, should the Governor of a state
request assistance. That means the PsyOps mind-control
technology can be directed against
U.S. citizens.
The Commando Solo aircraft have participated in the following missions--
possibly more, as the early missions of Volant Solo 1 were not known to
this spokesperson:
- Operation Urgent Fury (Grenada, Oct-Nov 1983, Jan-Jun 1985)
- Operation Just Cause (Panama, late December 1989)
- Operation Desert Shield (Kuwait, Iraq, from August 1990)
- Operation Desert Storm (Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Iraq, 1991)
- Operation Uphold Democracy (Haiti, 1994-1995)
- Operation Joint Guard (Part of a UN oepration in
Bosnia-Herzegovina, 1995)
- Operation Desert Thunder (part of a UN operation in Iraq)
- Operation Desert Fox (Iraq, 2 to 3 days in December 1998)
Other countries are known to have a similar aircraft, but the PR officer
declined to identify them, suggesting that I check out Jane's Defence
Weekly for such information. Not having access to that particular
publication, I searched through my copy of Jane's Radar and Electronic
Warfare Systems 1993094. [10] The Commando Solo unit was not listed,
but a browse through the book was informative as to the numerous types of
electronic offence and defence systems available. These include sta-
tionary and mobile land units (many housed in large trucks), shipboard and
airborne models as well as well as space-based technology. If the military
is spending US $100 million per airborne unit (times eight, we're talking
US $800 million here), I think it is safe to assume that they have tried
out mind control equipment with less expensive, roving land units (trucks),
but use the airplanes to cover wider areas and hard-to-reach locations of
the world.
And I might add, we can asume that they have tried out the efficacy of this
mind-control technology. Even the US military would not waste $800 million
on something unless it has been proven to work, and work effectively, even
under the adverse situation of military combat. This is an important
The initial research into mind control in the USA was conducted udner the
auspices of the CIA. The flagrant abuse of human rights in experimenting
on unsuspecting persons was based on the supposition that the veracity of
experiments would be compromised if a subject knew that he was participating
in an experiment. In the case of mind-control technology, tehis supposition
might very well be true. But that does not justify its use -- or so said
the Nuremburg Code, the tenets of which were used as a legal basis to pro-
secute Nazi scientists for war crimes. However the US seems to have
excused its own military and scientific community from adhering to that
Code. [11]
The next logical step in mind control would be to incorporate this tech-
nology into satellite communications. Since other countries are known
to have similar capabilities, there could occur a sitution in which
electronic mind control warfare is waged against a civilian population,
receiving conflicting mental manipulation from both sides. What would be
the mental state of individuals so targetted? Would it cause a rise in
mental aberrations and schizophrenia? And what are the limits of mind
manipulations? Can people be forced to commit suicide? Can physical
ailments or psychosomatic illnesses be induced?
A March 1990 report from Bosnia-Herzegovina in the former Yugoslavia sug-
gests the latter may have already happened. The report concerns 2,990
ethnic Albanians who were admitted to hospital with complaints of lung and
skin problems for which doctors could find no physical cause. [12]
It is not a far step from manipulating a person's emotional state to influ-
encing bodily functions. Indeed, much of the literature on documenting
microwave effects on biological systems deals with precisely this phenom-
enon. In fact, studies of the physical effects of microwave exposure
(including radio frequencies) generally preceeded studies of mental effects.
A meeting sponsored by Defense & Foreign Affairs and the International
Strategic Studies Association was held in Washington DC in 1983. High-level
officials from many countries met for this conference. They discussed
psychological strategies related to government and policymaking. A summary
of the agenda reads: "The group will be discussing the essence of future
policymaking, for it msut be increasingly clear to all that the most effec-
tive tool of government and strategy is the mind... If it's any consolation
to the weapons-oriented among defense policymakers, the new technologies of
communications -- satellites, television, radio, and mind-control
beams -- are 'systems' which are more tangible than the more
philosophically based psychological strategies and operations.
[Eleanor White's comment: Anyone know where to get a copy?]
"But we should make no mistake; it will be the 'psychologically based'
systems which determine the world's fate in coming years: the condition of
the minds of populations and leaders. And we should not ignore the fact
that the USSR [this was in 1983] is working on electronic systems to
'beam' messages directly into the brain. What good, then, are conventional
systems if these types of weapons are not countered? And, on a more basic
level, what good is a weapon system if public opinion or political con-
straints prohibit its deployment?" [13]
It is obvious that they found the answer to that last question. If the
public does not know about a weapon system, it cannot prohibit its deploy-
ment. This is the situtation that applies to mind-control technology.
The US military is aware that certain actions or procedures may not be
acceptable to the American public. Metz and Kievit express these concerns
in their paper, "The Revolution in Military Affairs and Short Conflict War."
[14] "The use of new technology may also run counter to basic American
values. Information age -- and in particular, information warfare --
technologies cause concerns about privacy... American values also make the
use of directed-energy weapons ... morally difficult, perhaps unacceptable.
The advantage of directed-energy weapons over conventional ones is
Later they state: "We must decide whether innovative military capabilities
are, in fact, acceptable and desirable. That can only happen through open
debate. The military must be a vital participant, but not the sole one."
But there has been no open debate.
On July 21, 1994, the US Department of Defense proposed that non-lethal
weapons be used not only against declared enemies, but against anyone
engaged in activities that the DOD opposed. That could include almost any-
body and anything. Note that the mind-control technology is classified
under non-lethal weapons. [15]
A 1998 news item states that US Air Force General John Jumper "predicts
that the military will have the tools to make potential enemies see, hear,
and believe things that do not exist" and that "The same idea was con-
tained in a 15-volume study by the USAF Scientific Advisory Board, issued
in 1996, on how to maintain US air and space superiority on the battle-
fields of the 21st century". [16,17]
It seems that, in miltary parlance, a "prediction" means: "Don't be
surprised when you find out we've already got this, but it's classified
and we can't admit to it just yet."
Notice that General Jumper predicts that mind control technology will be
used against potential enemies. The military and government
agencies may apply this term to any group or individual they perceive as
a threat to their own interests. Potential enemies may be counter-culture
individuals, those of opposing political viewpoints, economic or financial
competitors, biological undesirables, etc. It is part of the military
agenda to identify potential threats so as to be prepared to meet them.
Experience has shown that the US Government (the CIA and FBI, for example)
has moved against these people or groups, slandering, harassing, even
killing them, without adequate cause or legal sanction.
A weapon that can be used in secret lends itself to abuse by unethical
individuals in positions of power. The military and secret services have
shown themselves often to be lacking in ethical constraints. After all,
the job of the military is war; it is killing people; and so,
just how this is accomplished may be considered irrelevant. Lesser evils,
like mind control, pale by comparison.
Of course, it can be argued that it is far more humane to brainwash a
person via mind control technology than it is to torture or kill them.
Others vehemently deny this. They'd rather be dead than a mental slave to
Big Brother! That is what revolutions are about. And if I recall
correctly, that is the idea behind the US Bill of Rights.
Awareness of the existence of mind-control technology, and hence its
dangers and possibility for misuse, seems to be more prevalent than in
Europe than in other areas. The European Parliament recently passed a
"Resolution on environment, security, and foreign policy". [18] This
document includes these articles:
"23. Calls on the European Union to seek to have the new 'non-lethal'
weapons technology and the development of new arms strategies also covered
and regulated by international conventions...
"27. Calls for an international convention introducing a global ban on
all developments and deployments of weapons which might enable any form
of manipulation of human beings."
The United States will ignore these resolutions, of course, as it has
other EP requests; for example, as mentioned in the same document:
"24. Considers HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Project) by
virtue of its far-reaching impact on the environment to be a global concern
and calls for it's legal, ecological and ethical implcations to be exam-
ined by an international independent body before any further research and
testing; regrets the repeated refusal of the United States Administration
to send anyone in person to give evidence to the public hearing or any
subsequent meeting to be held by its competent committee into the environ-
mental and public risks connected with the HAARP programme currently being
funded in Alaska..."
One of HAARP's potential uses is a communications system. The military
officially acknowledges two communications-related applications: (1) to
replace the existing Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) submarine communica-
tions system now operating in Michigan and Wisconsin; (2) to provide a way
to wipe out communications over an extremely large area, while keeping the
miltary's own communications system working. [19]
As we have seen, the mind-control subliminal messages are carried on radio-
frequency broadcasts.
[Judy Wall's article on Silent Sound for details.]
The HAARP facility could be used to broadcast global mind-control messages,
or such messages could simply be inserted into existing systems.
Dr. Igor Smirnov, of the Institute of Psycho-correction in Moscow, says in
regard to this technology: "It is easily conceviable that some Russian
'Satan', or let's say Iranian [or any other 'Satan'], as long as he owns the
appropriate means and finances, can inject himself [intrude] into every con-
ceivable computer network, into every conceivable radio or television broad-
cast, with relative technological ease, even without disconnecting cables.
You can intercept the [radio] waves in the aether and then [subliminally]
modulate every conceivable suggestion into it. If this transpires over a
long enough time period, it accumulates in the heads of people. And even-
tually they can be artificially manipulated with other additional measure-
ments, to do that which this perpetrator wants [them to do]. This is why
[such technology] is rightfully feared." [20]
To return to the USAF Fact Sheet, it concludes: "In 1990 the EC-130 joined
the newly formed Air Force Special Operations Command and has since been
designated Commando Solo, with no change in mission. This one of a kind
aircraft is consistently improving its capabilities.
The next few years should see continued enhancements to the EC-130 and its
worldwide mission."
About the Author:
Judy Wall is the Editor of RESONANCE, the newsletter of the
Bioelectromagnetics Special Interest Group of American MENSA Ltd.
Viewpoints expressed here are her own personal views.
1. Wall, Judy, "Military Use of Mind Control Weapons", NEXUS,
5/06, Oct-Nov 1998
2. "Psychological operations" are defined as:
"Planned operations to convery selected information and
indicators to foreign audiences to influence their emotions,
motives, objective reasoning, and ultimately the behavior
of foreign governments, organizations, groups and individuals.
The purpose of psychological operations is to induce or
re-inforce foreign attitudes and behavior favorable to the
originator's objectives. Also called PsyOps." From
"Joint Doctrine for Information Operations", Joint pub-
lication 3-13, 9 October 1998. Thanks to Harlan Girard
of the International Committee on Offensive Microwave
Weapons (PO Box 58700, Philadelphia PA 19102-8700, USA)
for the excerpt.
3. Horvat, Alex, "Commando Solo", The Probe, vol. 4,
No. 1, Winter 1998/99, p.44; available from PO Box 905,
St. Peters, MO 63376, USA.
4. Fletcher, Bob, Exotic Weapons of Mass Control;
video available from The Probe (see above) or
Global Insights, A675 Fairview Dr. #246, Carson City NV,
89701 USA, tel 1-800-729-4131.
5. An item of interest is that the US had a new type of
aerial reconnaissance plane positioned over the former
Yugoslavia from July 14, 1995, about six months before
the US officially intervened. The 10-million-dollar
unmanned saucer-shaped spy craft is nicknamed "Dark Star".
Information from C-Com (Classified Communications
3(12), Dec 1995; Erich A. Aggen, Jr., (editor), citing
CE Chronicles nos. 1 and 2 and Raising Awareness
6. Fact Sheet, dated March 1995. The address on the publication
is AF Special Operations Command Public Affairs Office,
100 Bartley Street, Hurlburt Field, FL 32544-5273, USA.
They no longer supply printed copies, but you can access
the document at http://www.hurlburt.af.mil/
7. Morrison Taw, Jennifer, "Operation Just Cause: Lessons For
Operations Other Than War", Rand Corp., 1996, p. vii;
quoting from "Some Questions Whether the US Is Ready
for LIC", Navy News and Undersea Technology,
August 27, 1990, p.7.
8. Morrison Taw, Jennifer, ibid,. p.1.
9. Telephone conversation of February 26, 1999, with
AF Special Operations Command Public Affairs Office;
voice (850) 884-5515, email paprhode@hqafsoc.afoc.af.mil
10. Blake, Bernard (ed.) Jane's Radar and Electronic
Warfare Systems 1993-94, Jane's Information Group
Inc., 1340 Braddock Place, Suite 300, Alexandria VA
22314-1651, USA; also Jane's Information Group,
Sentinel House, 163 Brighton Road, Couldson, Surrey
CR5 2NH, UK.
11. (a) "US Nullifies Nuremburg Law", Earth Island Journal,
Winter 1996-97. (b) Hightower, Jim, "Unregulated Experiments
on Humans", New Times, June 19-25, 1997; cites
Stolberg, Sheryl Gay, "Unchecked Research People Raises
Concern on Medical Ethics", New York Times, May
14, 1997. (c) See "Ban on Medical Experiments Without
Consent is Relaxed", New York Times, November 5,
1996, p.1; copy available for 50 cents from David Park
Brooks, 3456 17th St., San Francisco CA 94110. (d) Also
see Senator John Glenn's bill S-193, "Human Subjects
Research Protection Act of 1997", Congressional Record,
US Senate, January 22, 1997. (e) "In 1994, a congress-
ional subcommittee found up to 500,000 Americans between
1940 and 1974 were endangered by secred defense-related
tests including radiation experiments, mustard gas, LSD
and biological agents." See Pitch Weekly, April
17-23, 1997.
12. Schaefer, Paul, "Experimentation and Warfare", article
citing The Kansas City Star, between March 25
and 31, 1990.
13. Summary, The Perth Corporation, Defense & Foreign
Affairs, November 1983.
14. Metz, Steven, and James Kievit, "The Revolution in
Military Affairs and Conflict Short of War", US Army
War College, Carlisle Barracks, PA 17013-5050, USA,
pp. 15-16 and 29. [See also Krawczyk, Glenn, "Big
Brother's Recipe for 'Revolution in Military Affairs'",
NEXUS 2/26, June-July 1995.]
15. Schaefer, Paul, "Psyops: Invisible Warfare", Zuni
Mountain Citizen (precise date unknown, late 1998/
early 1999), p.5.
16. "Microwave Weapons", Microwave News, March/April
1998; Louis Slesin (editor), citing Aviation Week,
March 9, 1998.
17. Same article as above, citing Microwave News,
January/February 1997.
18. "Environment, Security, and Foreign Affairs", Resolution
A40005/99, Minutes of 28/01/99 - Provisional Edition,
European Parliament. For copy, thanks to Grattan Healy,
Advisor on Energy & Research, Green Group in the European
Parliament, LEO 2C35, Rue Wiertz Straat, B-1047 Bruxelles,
Belgium, email ghealy@europarl.eu.int
19. For more info on HAARP, see Begich, Nick and Jeanne
Manning, Angels Don't Play This HAARP, Earthpulse
Press, PO Box 201393, Anchorage AK 99520, USA, Tel. (907)
20. From a German documentary, "Geheimes Russland: Moskau -
Die Zombies dr roten Zaren" ("Secret Russia: Moscow -
The Zombies of the Red Czars") aired on German TV network
ZDF on December 22, 1998. Script translation by Jan
Weisemann. The full text is to be published in
Resonance, No. 35.
21. Reed, Chris, Lockheed C-130 Hercules and Its Variants,
Schiffer Publishing Ltd, Atglen, PA, 1999.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Truth is Stranger Than Fiction. Interesting article by the former Chief Medical Officer of Finland

Microchip Implants, Mind Control, and Cybernetics

By Rauni-Leena Luukanen-Kilde, MDFormer Chief Medical Officer of FinlandDecember 6, 2000

In 1948 Norbert Weiner published a book, Cybernetics, defined as a neurological communication and control theory already in use in small circles at that time. Yoneji Masuda, "Father of the Information Society," stated his concern in 1980 that our liberty is threatened Orwellian-style by cybernetic technology totally unknown to most people. This technology links the brains of people via implanted microchips to satellites controlled by ground-based supercomputers.
The first brain implants were surgically inserted in 1974 in the state of Ohio, USA and also in Stockholm, Sweden. Brain electrodes were inserted into the skulls of babies in 1946 without the knowledge of their parents. In the 1950s and 60s, electrical implants were inserted into the brains of animals and humans, especially in the U.S., during research into behavior modification, and brain and body functioning. Mind control (MC) methods were used in attempts to change human behavior and attitudes. Influencing brain functions became an important goal of military and intelligence services.

Thirty years ago brain implants showed up in X-rays the size of one centimeter. Subsequent implants shrunk to the size of a grain of rice. They were made of silicon, later still of gallium arsenide. Today they are small enough to be inserted into the neck or back, and also intravenously in different parts of the body during surgical operations, with or without the consent of the subject. It is now almost impossible to detect or remove them.
It is technically possible for every newborn to be injected with a microchip, which could then function to identify the person for the rest of his or her life. Such plans are secretly being discussed in the U.S. without any public airing of the privacy issues involved. In Sweden, Prime Minister Olof Palme gave permission in 1973 to implant prisoners, and Data Inspection's ex-Director General Jan Freese revealed that nursing-home patients were implanted in the mid-1980s. The technology is revealed in the 1972:47 Swedish state report, Statens Officiella Utradninger (SOU).

Implanted human beings can be followed anywhere. Their brain functions can be remotely monitored by supercomputers and even altered through the changing of frequencies. Guinea pigs in secret experiments have included prisoners, soldiers, mental patients, handicapped children, deaf and blind people, homosexuals, single women, the elderly, school children, and any group of people considered "marginal" by the elite experimenters. The published experiences of prisoners in Utah State Prison, for example, are shocking to the conscience.

Today's microchips operate by means of low-frequency radio waves that target them. With the help of satellites, the implanted person can be tracked anywhere on the globe. Such a technique was among a number tested in the Iraq war, according to Dr. Carl Sanders, who invented the intelligence-manned interface (IMI) biotic, which is injected into people. (Earlier during the Vietnam War, soldiers were injected with the Rambo chip, designed to increase adrenaline flow into the bloodstream.) The 20-billion-bit/second supercomputers at the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) could now "see and hear" what soldiers experience in the battlefield with a remote monitoring system (RMS).

When a 5-micromillimeter microchip (the diameter of a strand of hair is 50 micromillimeters) is placed into optical nerve of the eye, it draws neuroimpulses from the brain that embody the experiences, smells, sights, and voice of the implanted person. Once transferred and stored in a computer, these neuroimpulses can be projected back to the person’s brain via the microchip to be reexperienced. Using a RMS, a land-based computer operator can send electromagnetic messages (encoded as signals) to the nervous system, affecting the target's performance. With RMS, healthy persons can be induced to see hallucinations and to hear voices in their heads.
Every thought, reaction, hearing, and visual observation causes a certain neurological potential, spikes, and patterns in the brain and its electromagnetic fields, which can now be decoded into thoughts, pictures, and voices. Electromagnetic stimulation can therefore change a person's brainwaves and affect muscular activity, causing painful muscular cramps experienced as torture.

The NSA's electronic surveillance system can simultaneously follow and handle millions of people. Each of us has a unique bioelectrical resonance frequency in the brain, just as we have unique fingerprints. With electromagnetic frequency (EMF) brain stimulation fully coded, pulsating electromagnetic signals can be sent to the brain, causing the desired voice and visual effects to be experienced by the target. This is a form of electronic warfare. U.S. astronauts were implanted before they were sent into space so their thoughts could be followed and all their emotions could be registered 24 hours a day.

The Washington Post reported in May 1995 that Prince William of Great Britain was implanted at the age of 12. Thus, if he were ever kidnapped, a radio wave with a specific frequency could be targeted to his microchip. The chip’s signal would be routed through a satellite to the computer screen of police headquarters, where the Prince’s movements could be followed. He could actually be located anywhere on the globe.

The mass media has not reported that an implanted person's privacy vanishes for the rest of his or her life. S/he can be manipulated in many ways. Using different frequencies, the secret controller of this equipment can even change a person's emotional life. S/he can be made aggressive or lethargic. Sexuality can be artificially influenced. Thought signals and subconscious thinking can be read, dreams affected and even induced, all without the knowledge or consent of the implanted person.

A perfect cyber-soldier can thus be created. This secret technology has been used by military forces in certain NATO countries since the 1980s without civilian and academic populations having heard anything about it. Thus, little information about such invasive mind-control systems is available in professional and academic journals.

The NSA's Signals Intelligence group can remotely monitor information from human brains by decoding the evoked potentials (3.50HZ, 5 milliwatt) emitted by the brain. Prisoner experimentees in both Gothenburg, Sweden and Vienna, Austria have been found to have evident brain lesions. Diminished blood circulation and lack of oxygen in the right temporal frontal lobes result where brain implants are usually operative. A Finnish experimentee experienced brain atrophy and intermittent attacks of unconsciousness due to lack of oxygen.
Mind control techniques can be used for political purposes. The goal of mind controllers today is to induce the targeted persons or groups to act against his or her own convictions and best interests. Zombified individuals can even be programmed to murder and remember nothing of their crime afterward. Alarming examples of this phenomenon can be found in the U.S.
This “silent war” is being conducted against unknowing civilians and soldiers by military and intelligence agencies. Since 1980, electronic stimulation of the brain (ESB) has been secretly used to control people targeted without their knowledge or consent. All international human rights agreements forbid nonconsensual manipulation of human beings — even in prisons, not to speak of civilian populations.

Under an initiative of U.S. Senator John Glenn, discussions commenced in January 1997 about the dangers of radiating civilian populations. Targeting people’s brain functions with electromagnetic fields and beams (from helicopters and airplanes, satellites, from parked vans, neighboring houses, telephone poles, electrical appliances, mobile phones, TV, radio, etc.) is part of the radiation problem that should be addressed in democratically elected government bodies.
In addition to electronic MC, chemical methods have also been developed. Mind-altering drugs and different smelling gasses affecting brain function negatively can be injected into air ducts or water pipes. Bacteria and viruses have also been tested this way in several countries.

Today's supertechnology, connecting our brain functions via microchips (or even without them, according to the latest technology) to computers via satellites in the U.S. or Israel, poses the gravest threat to humanity. The latest supercomputers are powerful enough to monitor the whole world’s population. What will happen when people are tempted by false premises to allow microchips into their bodies? One lure will be a microchip identity card. Compulsory legislation has even been secretly proposed in the U.S. to criminalize removal of an ID implant.
Are we ready for the robotization of mankind and the total elimination of privacy, including freedom of thought? How many of us would want to cede our entire life, including our most secret thoughts, to Big Brother? Yet the technology exists to create a totalitarian New World Order. Covert neurological communication systems are in place to counteract independent thinking and to control social and political activity on behalf of self-serving private and military interests.

When our brain functions are already connected to supercomputers by means of radio implants and microchips, it will be too late for protest. This threat can be defeated only by educating the public, using available literature on biotelemetry and information exchanged at international congresses.

One reason this technology has remained a state secret is the widespread prestige of the psychiatric Diagnostic Statistical Manual IV produced by the U.S. American Psychiatric Association (APA) and printed in 18 languages. Psychiatrists working for U.S. intelligence agencies no doubt participated in writing and revising this manual. This psychiatric "bible" covers up the secret development of MC technologies by labeling some of their effects as symptoms of paranoid schizophrenia.

Victims of mind control experimentation are thus routinely diagnosed, knee-jerk fashion, as mentally ill by doctors who learned the DSM “symptom” list in medical school. Physicians have not been schooled that patients may be telling the truth when they report being targeted against their will or being used as guinea pigs for electronic, chemical and bacteriological forms of psychological warfare.

Time is running out for changing the direction of military medicine, and ensuring the future of human freedom.

This article was originally published in the 36th-year edition of the Finnish-language journal SPEKULA (3rd Quarter, 1999). SPEKULA (circulation 6500) is a publication of Northern Finland medical students and doctors of Oulu University OLK (Oulun Laaketieteellinen Kilta). It is mailed to all medical students of Finland and all Northern Finland medical doctors.

Monday, May 07, 2007


Faithfully, circling his queen; Anpu dispatches Justice to the Souls Of Men. Anpu's heavy barking inspires HeruRAHah, the Warrior Sun of AST, causing him to surge towards Earth.

As the Voice of AST and ANPU are one; HORUS wars vigilantly for his Mother the Enthroned Queen. No human is safe from the eyes and wrath of HERU not even he who is finishing his prayers. Quickly, efficiently, Heru delivers the Souls of Humans to ANPU.

Standing before Anpu all will recieve judgement as their heart is weighed on the Scales. Anpu, ANUBIS, sends all Souls to their reward. Whether it is too the hideous reptile Sebek, who will painfully devour the judged or reside in the Holy Fields of peace, beauty and abundance will depend on the human's life on Earth.



Wednesday, March 21, 2007


I'm heading to California to spend some time with my lovely Mom's. If anyone is going to be out there during the times below give me a shout. it should be fun. It will be my first time out of the Hawaiian Islands in 7 years. Aloha!

> Subject: Travelocity Reservation Information> To: jonasholmesiii@hotmail.com> Date: Tue, 13 Mar 2007 23:38:33 -0500> From: tcy@p42t.travelocity.com> > Greetings from Travelocity!> > > Your friend made travel arrangements today at Travelocity and requested> that we share the itinerary with you.> > We provide this as a service to our customers so they may conveniently share> their travel information with those who may need it. We want you to also know> that we do not retain your email address, so you will not receive anything> further from us unless you become a free member, make a purchase or befriend> another customer!> >

The itinerary for JONAS M HOLMES III is as follows:> > > Itinerary for:> > JONAS M HOLMES III > > Your Trip Details> > ______________________________________________________> > Flight: ATA flight 4762 (Non-Stop)> > Depart: Kahului Maui, HI (OGG) - Terminal Information Unavailable> > ' Mon, Apr 02 at 2:00pm> > Arrive: Los Angeles, CA (LAX) - Terminal Information Unavailable> > ' Mon, Apr 02 at 10:00pm> > Seat: Check in at Airport for Seat Assignment. (Boeing 737 Jet)> > Meal: Food For Purchase> > ______________________________________________________> > Flight: ATA flight 4761 (Non-Stop)> > Depart: Los Angeles, CA (LAX) - Terminal Information Unavailable> > ' Wed, Apr 11 at 7:00am> > Arrive: Kahului Maui, HI (OGG) - Terminal Information Unavailable> > ' Wed, Apr 11 at 9:40am> > Seat: 18B (Boeing 737 Jet)> > Meal: Food For Purchase> > ______________________________________________________> > > > > *****************************************************************************> > Travelocity is the online travel expert that gives you more choices, > providing 95% of the worlds airline seats, 50,000 hotels, and 50 car rental > companies. Use our best fare finder to find and book today's low fares at > http://www.travelocity.com.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Why the Intelligence Community (IC) System Drives you Crazy, and How to Come in from the Cold

The above link is very interesting. It is a report by Michael Andregg. It was one of the first pieces that helped me assimilate what I perceived to be my personal experience with the Intelligence Community.

My original perception of the US Intelligence Community was based on logic. My belief, how ever naive it may have been, was that in the arena of National Security, only the best, brightest and most creative minds would be involved. I calculated that when it came to the security of a nation; it would be a travesty if the world's most committed, creative and patriotic minds were not gathered in service of a greater cause. Additionally, I believed that any such agency/organization would have/provide the best tools to maximize and enhance creativity.

My experiences post Foreign Service Officer test (getting "chopped up") were completely the opposite. The final conclusion that I came to by mentally reverse engineering my experience and analyzing cause and effect was that, whomever was running my operation, heretofore referred to as (X), was a very "sick" individual. Not only was X sick, I concluded, but some of his personal preferences were very interesting.

In hindsight, I realize that with the military controlling 90% of the Intelligence budget that the likelihood of creative development is very unlikely. The military's purpose, in general, is to create soldiers who follow orders. Creativity is not a highly valued asset. This is an unfortunate scenario since "terrorists" are very creative. In fact, the creativity of terrorists attacks appears to be there greatest asset i.e., USS Cole, WTC, etc..

Michael Andreggs words pack a punch; they are precise and concise. His handling of Compartmentalization, Clearances and Controls is exceptional.

Thank you, Michael Andregg, for shining a piercing light of understanding on some very serious realities within the IC. This piece is my favorite inside look on the subject matter that I have ever read. Frankly, it was Delicious! Mahalo, also to www.oss.net for showcasing such fine talent like William Clark and Michael Andregg.

The following is an excerpt from the end of a chapter called:

Previous efforts at Reform, Citizens as Enemies, and Good People in Evil Systems

Figure 22 illustrates another significant part of this problem (29, pg. 118). Systems matter. “’The turning of a few valves can mean the difference between a pharmaceutical company and a chemical or biological plant.’ said the Agency’s leading proliferation specialist.” (in 9, page 3) You can put 100% exemplary people into an evil system, and if information controls are artful those good people will chug away doing excellent, hard-working, first-class work … for evil. In their heads, they will be super-patriots, and the best will sacrifice even life itself. Many will sacrifice families, since the work is ‘so urgent’ and the management so indifferent to real welfare among workers’ families, or to squishy concepts like love, God, or genuine patriotism. Nazi Germany provided many examples of the good German worker serving evil ends, but Stanley Milgram (30) and the Mormon Church among many others have shown that “good Germans” are everywhere. Good Germans, in fact, are just good workers – exceptionally good workers who strive to please by doing exactly what they are told without excess questions or introspection.

Lest I offend everyone unnecessarily, a few words on the good German phenomenon might help here. We are ALL vulnerable to this, because we are ALL social creatures with some desire to conform. This was indispensable to early tribal groups that depended on each other for survival. Being social creatures, we calibrate our moral compasses by reference to the social group around us and its moral leaders. When your moral leaders and creators of institutional structure include deeply disturbed individuals like James “Jesus” Angleton (the previously noted and spectacularly paranoid former chief of Counterintelligence at CIA), you are at serious risk. Isolation from other worldviews by exaggerated fears for “information security,” and concepts like “disinformation” or “Satanic influence” encapsulate the dysfunction, and prevent correction.

This is the basic mechanism by which genuinely good, hard-working, sincere people who often call themselves Christians * can, with the best of intentions, be co-opted by evil systems. * (In America these will usually be Christians, but in MOSSAD these will be especially devout Jews and in Arab Mukhabarats [secret police] they are especially devout Muslims. Another thing learned long ago was that people in morally stressful occupations often adopt especially devout religious practices for compensation and frankly, relief from the stress.) Subsequent control mechanisms by the organization reinforce the fears, the penalties for talking to outsiders, the paranoia, black-white thinking, and ultimately the desire to conform. It is a mind control regime well understood by cults, and studied closely by the CIA during the MKULTRA days.

Hysteria Over Iran and a New Cold War with Russia: Peak Oil, Petrocurrencies and the Emerging Multi-Polar World by William Clark

The link above directs one to an excellent article on the impending crises facing the US dollar. These challenges include the creation of oil/commodity exchanges in Russia, China and Iran that are not dollar backed, blowback from continued imperialistic misuse of the military, a possible sell off of US Treasuries by China, as well as numerous other challenges.

William Clark provides and excellent and easily readable account about complex international issues looming over the US. A great read enjoy.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

A Helping Hand...Or Two

Okay...it's 2am..I have to work out in about 4 hours but I have to write about this for two reasons. Reason #1 is that my friends keep buggin' me about it. Reason #2 is because if I don't I will forget about it.

This past monday I decided to get a little more serious about my bodyboarding. I invested in a board, it's called the Big Braddah and its made for guys like me who are pushin 240. I also got an O'Neill rash guard because my skin was getting tore up.

My friends and I headed down to Makena Beach's third entrance, also known as Big Beach. Big Beach is one of those places on the Southside of Maui where there are almost always waves. It's a skim boarders paradise. On this day there were some decent size waves. There were a few skim boarders and body boarders out and there is this one old caucasian guy snorkeling. Well, the thing about Big Beach is that you can get your ass kicked out there. Not only because of the waves size and power but they also break pretty hard on the shore line.

So this old dude, who I had seen floating out by the rocks finally makes it into the shore. I had just finished catching a wave and see him crawling on the sand toward his wife who is sitting on top of the bank. The waves smash so hard at Big Beach that the water is down a deep slope of sand. You can't even see the shoreline from the top side of the beach. So, I look back and this guy, obviously a tourist is trying to crawl out of the water and up the bank. As he is doing so he gets pummeled by a wave. He looses his fin, which he should have taken off in the water, gets smashed into the sand and pulled 3 yards back toward the ocean. I asked him if he's alright and he nods and doesn't say anything. So I stand there and another wave smacks him down and pulls him 3-5 more yards down th bank. He loses his snorkel and his other fin. His wife is just sitting in the chair above us watching. The third wave comes in, he had decided to come in at the beginning of a huge set, pounds the bejeezus out of him and is taking him out to the ocean like a piece of driftwood. At the same time he is gurgling ocean bubbles. So, I run down the bank, grab one of his arms and start dragging him up the bank which is at least a 70 degree angle. I'm going full speed so the next wave doesn't catch us both. As I'm pulling him up he says, “Not so hard!”. I say, “You're about to die!” He gives me a grunt indicating his slight understanding of this new profound reality we are sharing.

I drag him up to the top where his wife is still sitting in her chair, having watched the whole thing. She tells me his fins are still out there. I was a little bit incredulous at this time and began to understand how Hawaiian's came up with the word “haole”. I retrieve his two fins which wasn't hard because the next wave washed them up. I set them down next to his wifes chair and helped the old guy stand up. My friends and I think he was in his Seventies, Sixties minimum. Well, the guy had gotten so pummeled by the waves that he couldn't stand and went right back to the ground. Meanwhile, another local braddah runs up and asks if everything is okay. The local then asked the old guy if he wanted any help. The old guy was like, “No, leave me alone.” The Hawaiian braddahs son and daughter had been bodyboarding at the same time as me. His son was a cool cat and we actually caught some of the same waves together. I looked at the old guy and understood that he was safe and if he didn't want anymore help then there was no reason for me to hang around.

I head back over to where my friends are, a couple white dudes from Beantown, and pop a Corona. They were like, “Man!...You saved his life.” I thought about it and it was true but it didn't seem like as big a deal as you would think saving someones life would be. So, I just kept on drinking my Corona. They asked me to tell them the whole story so I relayed it. When I got to the part about the guy saying I was pulling him too hard my friends were like, “What an asshole!” Then they asked if he said thank you. I told them no. Then they came to the agreement that if he didn't say thank you before he and his wife left then he was definitely an asshole. So fast forward about 15 minutes after popping my Corona and the old guy and his wife are leaving. His wife walks by first and he is hobbling about 10 feet behind. So he walks up to me and my two white friends and can barely speak because he is stuttering so bad.

He says, “Wh...Whu..Whu..Which one of you saved my life? Who saved my life?” My boys were looking at him like wow he got f—ked up in that ocean. Partially, because he couldn't talk and partially because he didn't know who rescued him when it was me with two white cats. My boys pointed at me and told him that I was the one that saved him. The old guy walks up to me and says, “You. Your'e the one that saved my life?” I didn't answer right away because I was having trouble processing the whole “saved my life thing”. When I hear that expression; I think of the movie “Saving Private Ryan” or the non-fiction reality of Marines in Iraq and Afghanistan. I was just surfing. Also, the guy was so old that I thought he might give me a left hook and say “I wanted to die in Hawaii you bastard! You ruined it!”. Admittedly, my imagination does get to running sometimes. Anyway, I just nodded my head and said “yeah”.

He began to thank me profusely and then told us how it was his last day here, how he was on vacation and how he was from Indianapolis and then he kept talking. It was weird because we really didn't have anything in common. So finally, me and my boys were like, “Alright, well, have a safe flight. Be careful...etc.” We were polite, exchanged pleasantries and he hobbled away. I hadn't noticed but his wife was standing a few feet away. He hobbled toward her and she just started shaking. It looked like she was weeping. Her husband limped over to her and put his arm around her and tried to console her.

After my second beer, I finally put the whole thing together. The old guy was in shock in the water. He didn't know what was happening. He was going to die. The wife was in shock because she was witnessing her husband's death. When I started pulling on his arm it woke him up, like waking up somebody after they have been sleeping or knocked out. The Hawaiian guy ran down because his kids ran up the beach and told him somebody was dying in the ocean. After I left, the wife told the husband the deal. Then after the husband said thank you the wife broke down sobbing because she had almost lost her husband on the last day of their vacation.

Then there was kinda this big deal that I saved someones life, including some good natured ribbing from my friends. Lifeguard Jonas, hey, save my life, blah, blah, blah, you know how friends can be. Because of this and some persuasive persuasion I have chosen to mark this event with a blog entry. I don't really think its a newspaper story so I am not sending it to my usual venue, “The American Chronicle”, which is a mighty fine online newspaper. Plus, since I have retired from the political writing I have to put down something.

How do I feel about the whole lifesaving thing? Well, I kinda feel the same, like Jonas, except when I feel other peoples' energy about it. It wasn't a planned thing. It just happened. Heck, everyone needs a helping hand or two sometimes. I guess you're just lucky if there are hands that can help.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

The Rain in Spain

Just when you think you are done blogging for awhile...well...surprise, surprise, surprise.

I just got a message from my best friend who happens to be in Spain right now. His name is Zach Skyles Owens. His link is above


He told me he was walking home 21 hours ago and a car pulled up next to him and 4 guys with Secret Service type mics in their ears jumped out of the car and ran in different directions. On their way back they stopped him, flashed their badges and told him to come with them. They then proceeded to question him.

I was like "Wow Zach, that is crazy. One minute your enjoying a trip to your MBA program and the next second...wow"

Anyway, everyone should check out Zack's blog. It's pretty interesting. Aloha

Sunday, February 18, 2007


Ahhh...hello fans and friends. All I can say is la buena vida or la vida buena, mucho buena to be exact. It has been quite a run since I started my first blog with OSIIS, The Open Source Internet Intelligence Service.

When I started the OSIIS my inspiration was self-preservation and vengeance through revelation. I am sure all of you know what motivators those two concepts can be. Fortunately, I had the cogency, presence of mind and writing skills to pull it off. Perhaps, the most challenging part was exposing myself to the world.

Privacy, solitude and peace have always been equivalent to beauty for me. That is most likely the reason why I turned down multiple job offers from companies like Aetna, Monsanto, Baxter Healthcare, Carnation and Procter & Gamble. However, one cannot overlook my disdain for boredom and bullshit. Nevertheless, I found that my most comfortable place was within nature. Whether it was waves, ocean, spearfishing, nature, trees, or gardening; working within the elements of nature and the natural has always been deeply rewarding. Years of Kundalini Yoga and Martial Arts have allowed me to be quite content without the influence of others. However, it appears you can only have a city mind in the country for so long before another city mind notices.

Someone did notice and that someone was Roger Kristiansen. I am not trying to out Roger Kristiansen; he was a good man with what I believe was a decent intent. Unfortunately Roger, if you are listening; the intellectual discussions we had regarding what was happening in America and the world that led you to believe I was a highly intelligent candidate for the US Department of State, were more than discussion. Those discussions were reality and the reality was peaking in 2003. So, a guy like me, who was too independent and creative to fit into that robot world anyway; was definitely not going to fit into some right-wing, neo-con, fundamental Christian bullshit. So, inadvertently or not, you threw me into the meat grinder or better yet, the Carnivorous Carnival. What I am getting at is that regardless of your motivations; I hold no grudges toward you. The good times were good times. One theory has it that you f...ed up with State and were trying to get back in their good graces. However, the source of that information says he represented No Such Agency and was putting an incredible amount of powder up his nose at the time so, his words are dubious at best, not to mention that he was the recent recipient of a terrible beating. But (I remember being told that you shouldn't start a sentence with but, but I am taking literary license with this composition), so as not to further delay the purpose of this piece which is the discontinuation of my interest in geopolitics and politics in general, I must move on.

There were many topics I was considering elucidating on for my next OSIIS article. First, I considered doing a piece on the impact, blowback and reverse effects that US foreign policy was having in Latin America. Country by country from, Central to South America (except, maybe, Belize); I was going to display how the US penchant for covertly overthrowing governments had backfired. Then I thought about doing a leadership profile on Sudan's President Omar Al-Bashir. I was going to discuss his participation in the Egyptian military and in Egypt's war with Israel and how these, among his other historical experiences, such as the bombing of the Sudanese pharmaceutical company (Al-Shifa, I believe) would prevent him from agreeing to any Darfur crisis resolutions that were beneficial to the US or Israeli interests. After doing extensive research on both of these topics, I still wasn't motivated.

What was happening?, I thought to myself. How could I not be interested anymore. Then, like the illumination of a giant light bulb, I realized the answer. I had never really cared about this stuff. The only reason I ever wrote about it in the first place is because it was introduced to me and I was capable. As my father once said, it can be a curse to be good at too many things because then you may never pick one. That was the point, I wrote the reports I did because I could. I believed that they were insightful and beneficial for America's future. And not being one to avoid what I perceived to be a great career opportunity; I plunged myself into the Carnivorous Carnival headfirst. That decision created no small amount of angst in my life but the main point is; I was never interested in the first place. The Carnival came looking for me (recruited). I was never looking for it. When it did come looking for me I was living on a remote three acre lot, tending my greenhouse and running a Honda generator when I wanted to watch TV or play PS2.

So that is pretty much the jist of it. I was never into it in the first place and I only participated out of patriotism and survival. Perhaps, most interesting is how the former got changed into the latter. So thank you, everyone for reading my work. Writing again has been a good thing in general but the content of OSIIS is going to change. What is next? I am not sure but, I have recently learned how to body/boogie board, I am working on a short film (all hijinks, no politics) and I am preparing to move to Europe. All of the aforementioned are exciting, fun things that I have always been interested in. No, they don't include a 401K and “security” but I been living this life a certain way so far so there is no turning back now.

For my final political commentary, I have the following:

I will always wonder what happened to Russ Tice and what he wanted to expose, but I think I know. Believe me people the truth about 911 and Abu Ghraib is nothing compared to some of the sickness being perpetrated under the guise of National Security. Call it conspiracy theory if you will but people just don't decide to all of a sudden go crazy in there 30's. Lee Harvey Oswald, Sirhan Sirhan and Timothy McVeigh are good examples. Now think Manchurian Candidate, A Beautiful Mind, 1984, The Matrix and Treadstone. Now take all those pieces, mash'em together and multiply'em to the tenth power.

The US Congress exposed MK-Ultra in the 70's. It was real. If that program or variations of it never totally ceased then what level is it at now in 2007. Use logic. I am going to leave it at that because I know Americans love their disinformation. I mean if we don't get our disinformation then we can't be happy. And if we aren't happy then we might have to seek the truth. And Lord knows that the last thing we want to hear about is the truth. I will agree that ignorance is bliss and that with much knowledge comes much pain. There must be a masochistic gene within me because I always had to understand the heartbeat of anything I was involved with. Maybe, it is because Scorpio rules my Eighth House and I have a few planets in there. Who knows but, suffice it to say there are no more mysteries for me. And the truth is that the “truth is stranger then fiction”. As Jack Nicholson put it, “You can't handle the truth”. The main challenge that people are going to find is that no matter what you try to do to the truth; it is impossible to destroy. You can twist it, you can bury it, you can hide it, but you can't destroy it because it is immortal. Additionally, it has been said that “ye shall know the truth and it shall set you free”. Well, I'm free.

I've also learned many other things on this journey such as some of Pliny's works, that at some point in history certain people wore bells around there necks, that there once was a land called Khazaria and a host of other things that I was curious about.

Good luck, America, you have got your work cut out for you. I have always believed in the ideas of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. The ideas of freedom and government for the people and by the people are excellent. Hopefully, one day, those concepts can graduate from mouthwash to reality.

And to everyone in the intelligence community who got involved out of idealism regarding the aforementioned concepts; firstly, I empathize with you; secondly, good luck.

Lastly, here is a riddle.

Q. What do you get when you mix Irish, African, Native American and German?

A. Jonas Holmes III

Aloha from Hawaii,

Jonas Holmes III, traveler

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Rebuilding Infrastructure in Venezuela: A Multi-Billion Dollar Opportunity

Rebuilding Infrastructure in Venezuela: A Multi-Billion Dollar Opportunity

Report Provided by the

Open Source Internet Intelligence Service (OSIIS)

A large part of the reason that Hugo Chavez was elected President was his promise to enhance the quality of life for impoverished Venezuelans. It is not Chavez’s dedication to this premise that is in question; it is his capacity to expedite such relief which is proving to be a challenge. Therein lays a significant opportunity for international companies in the areas of consulting, city planning, engineering, construction and a host of other infrastructure related opportunities.

According to WORLDVIEW, a project of the Architectural League of New York, “The barrios or squatter cities are the product of migrations from the countryside and the growth of a 'city inside the city,' unattended for decades by the authorities. These settlements, built on public property or illegally on privately owned land, house 60% of Venezuela's population. Because the local government has no housing alternatives to offer, it looks the other way.” An estimated 2005 Venezuelan population of 25 Million means infrastructure, building and construction requirements are needed for roughly 15 Million people. Additionally, Venezuela’s population growth has been steadily increasing since 1961.

Another factor that makes the rebuilding of Venezuela’s infrastructure a ripe opportunity is that Venezuela is ready, willing and capable of making massive investments in urban renewal projects. In terms of readiness, as mentioned before; much of Hugo Chavez’ political viability as the leader of Venezuela is dependent on his ability to institute the promises he has made to poor Venezuelans. According to TIME, “Venezuela…still needs a further 1.6 million new units to meet the shortfall in low-income housing needs”. These needs extend into water sanitation, waste sanitation, electricity, communications, traffic congestion and more. If, as WORLDVIEW speculates, the barrio is transformed into valuable real estate in the next decade; then the value of this financial opportunity increases exponentially.

The Venezuelan government is so willing to move forward with infrastructure solutions that the Mayor of Caracas, Juan Barreto, declared he was going to seize the golf courses from the Caracas Country Club and the Valle Arriba Club and use the land to build homes for 50,000 people. Such a statement by the Caracas mayor is certainly an indicator of willingness to move forward on the infrastructure challenge. It is also an indicator that there is openness to creative solutions. Apparently, Iran has already begun capitalizing on this Venezuelan infrastructure opportunity. According to the Wall Street Journal, Iran and Venezuela have signed contracts worth over $1 Billion. These contracts stipulate that Iran will build 10,000 housing units in Venezuela and a number of manufacturing plants. According, to the World Socialist Web Site, “In Beijing’s Great Hall of the People, Chavez promised to increase oil exports to China from the current level of 155,000 barrels per day to 500,000 by 2009 and 1 million by 2012. In return, Chinese President Hu Jintao agreed to support Venezuela’s campaign for a two-year seat in the UN Security Council and to provide substantial economic aid, including a fibre-optic communication network and finance for a $1.2 billion project to build 20,000 houses.” Hugo Chavez’ willingness to invest in infrastructure is evident in the business arrangements he is rapidly establishing with nations and corporations around the world.

Venezuela’s oil revenues of $200 million a day, half of that coming from the United State of America, make it more then able to compensate for infrastructure improvements. According British Broadcasting Company Newsnight’s Greg Palast, “The DoE report shows that at today's prices Venezuela's oil reserves are bigger than those of the entire Middle East - including Saudi Arabia, the Gulf states, Iran and Iraq.” And “The DoE estimates that the Venezuelan government controls 1.3 trillion barrels of oil - more than the entire declared oil reserves of the rest of the planet.” This may be the reason The Financial Times says, Caracas has become “a magnet for Swiss and other international bankers.”

Investment in Venezuela’s infrastructure also provides a number of political as well as profit opportunities. As a pet project of Hugo Chavez’s, improving the infrastructure would be viewed by him as a great contribution to his political legacy. From observation, Mr. Chavez’ personality appears to be one of extremes based on personal perceptions of “kindness for kindness and evil for evil” rather than being purely anti-western. This is evidenced by his willingness to take consultation from London Mayor, Ken Livingstone in exchange for discounted diesel fuel that is needed to run London buses. After meeting with Hugo Chavez and hearing his offer to provide free fuel for needy people in Great Britain (similar to his previous offer to needy Americans) during the winter, Mayor Livingstone described Hugo Chavez as “the best news out of Latin America in many years.” At the same time, Hugo Chavez has referred to Tony Blair as an ally of Hitler in relation to his friendship with George Bush. This confirms that Hugo Chavez interprets his relationships on a personal basis. Other indicators also confirm this.

Besides the fact that Chavez is open to Western influence and will give away oil; infrastructure investment will give any participating country/corporation a foothold and opportunity for greater participation in the Venezuelan oil and oil services industry whose infrastructure is in need of repair and expertise. Based on the aforementioned Department of Energy report this could be a major opportunity for long-term oil security, profitability, Central/South American political influence and a big foot in the business door of emerging Latin American markets.

Considerations of non-diplomatic activities to achieve oil security in Venezuela should bear in mind the way diplomatic verse non-diplomatic methods have played out in Iraq and Iran. In Iraq; France, Germany, Russia and China had beaten the United States to the punch and made business deals which gave them large shares of Iraq’s oil assets. The United States went to war and indicated to the aforementioned countries that “you’re either with us or against us” and countries not supporting the war in Iraq would lose their business interests. Now, the United States is embroiled in a war that by all accounts it is losing and costing it billions of dollars. Getting out of Iraq has taken precedent over oil. Not to mention the United States’ “with us or against us” mentality has given several major world powers a reason to hope for, at the least, a decisive U.S. loss in Iraq.

Iran, which was subject to U.S. overthrow and labeled as part of “the axis of evil”, has been the subject of discussions regarding a bombing of their nuclear facilities. Now the U.S., hat in hand, is requesting their assistance in extricating themselves from Iraq. To avoid such humiliating examples in the future, which result in an enormous loss of face and the creation of more enemies; any country or company that seeks to take advantage of the infrastructure opportunities in Venezuela should follow the successfully established business model. The best businessmen will get the best deals.

The Open Source Internet Intelligence Service (OSIIS) is an independent Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) providing private, insightful analysis to international clientele utilizing the Internet and a unique variety of source methodologies.

Saturday, November 25, 2006


Fiction Book Review: Neural Net 3001

Deep inside the catacombs of the Department of Defense, a coterie of thinkers ensconced in the “black operations” world of “Special Access” and “Training” programs have created “Neural Net 3001”. Neural Net 3001 takes the most advanced technology and science known to man and applies it to mastering the human mind and its thought processes. Through the direction of modulated signals within a certain frequency band, the NN3K1 Group has learned how to control the human mind.

Vast denizens of politicians and lawmakers are unknowingly manipulated through this thought mastering technology. NN3K1 is on the verge of controlling the world. Fortunately, for the founders of this cabal, they have managed to have themselves enshrined in the most secret of classifications, thus preventing any review or auditing of their operations. This is perfect for NN3K1 as they are agents of foreign powers.

Unfortunately, for NN3K1 in their zeal for global mind domination they tap into a mind better left alone. They tap directly into the GodMind which they have been attempting to displace in all their subjects. This is where the fun begins in Neural Net 3001.

Neural Net 3001 reminds me somewhat of a Robert Redford movie. In this movie, Mr. Redford is a reader for the CIA, I believe. His job is to read published fiction material and determine whether there is any plausible possibilities contained in that piece of fiction. Mr. Redford reads a book about a secret agency within the agency that is usurping power and implementing detrimental policy toward the United States. Mr. Redford writes a report saying that he believes some such thing is plausible and should be investigated. Unfortunately, the conspiracy is vast and wide. Mr. Redford’s report becomes his death certificate. The remainder of the movie is Mr. Redford trying to survive while the person he needs to trust is trying to kill him.

Neural Net 3001 is also reminiscent of “The Matrix” in how it deals with the power, electricity and heat generated by the human body. The choice between the red and the blue pill would be an appropriate symbolism for the hero of Neural Net 3000.

Neural Net 3001 does touch on some familiar spy grounds. There are several passages that seem to allude to the real life theories of Anatoliy Golitsyn .

Neural Net 3001 is an interesting book but a little bit out of this world. Its premises are a bit far-reaching and hard to believe. You definitely need an active imagination to enjoy it. Yet, it is a fiction book and if you embrace it as such you are sure to have a good read. Neural Net 3001, I give it a C+. It’s a guaranteed winner for light reading at the beach.

Thursday, November 09, 2006



Much ado has been made about the comments of senior members within the Democratic Party regarding the possible impeachment of President Bush. Some, such as myself support it vigorously, however I am fortunate enough that I do not have to do all the leg work, legal research and logistics to participate in determining whether such actions are warranted. Those to whom it is left to determine that particular fate are required to pursue it through means that are much more subtle, intricate, delicate and complex than any blog rant of mine. I believe that it would be improper, for any politician, without having performed the required due diligence, to suggest whether the President will be impeached. That would show bias.

Yes, we writers are able to say that the President should or should not be impeached. We are also able to ask with fervor, “Are you going to impeach the President”? We have that right because we are American’s and the laws of the land preserve that right. Politicians don’t have such liberty so as to throw timing to the wind. So, if pressed in an untimely manner on such an issue a wise politician would certainly say no. They would probably do that for a couple of reasons. First, as I mentioned, there is much work to be done before there can be any such determination. Secondly, there is no need for the Democratic leadership to be guilty of the same brusqueness, arrogance and hubris of which the current administration has been a participant.

In the political field, let us have two things happen which have absent from American politics for some time. Let the laws of the land which were created by the founders of this country do their work for the American people and let the representatives of the people truly represent the people. If we trust in those factors contained in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights and the truths they contain therein then, we can rest assured and secure that Justice and Balance will reign.

If there is a bit of Diplomacy occurring in the early stages of the Democratic resurgence then that is beautiful. Because diplomacy is also something that has been missing for far too long. Congrats to the Crats; as the polls reflected, America is looking forward to your reign.

Security or Strategy: Either Way, Bush Must Go!

Now that the House and Senate are surfing on the anti-Bush big wave there is a moment of opportunity that must not be squandered. President Bush must be impeached or forced to resign before he can be impeached.

First and foremost, from a national security perspective, President Bush has made this country weaker. Whether it is long term access to proven oil reserves or, the 5 Billion gallons of oil that has been consumed during the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan or, the loss of potential oil properties to other nations or, the global hatred for America or, the missing weapons of mass destruction or, creating more terrorists that hate America, or leading 3,000 American soldiers to their death or, turning the US into the world’s biggest tyrant or, nurturing hatred for the United States around the world, or trying to impose his personal beliefs on the rest of the world or, approving the largest domestic spying operation on American citizens in US history or, reading a book while the world trade centers burned. There is no good thing left about Bush. Every move, every action he has taken has made America weaker. Not to mention Abu Graib, Plamegate, secret prisons and Jack Abramoff. Without a doubt, George W. Bush will go down as one of the worst, if not the worst, President in the history of the United States. His legacy will be one of how not to be President.

At what time in American history has the US Bill of Rights and Constitution ever been so viciously attacked? While America’s youth is dying in some godforsaken—hold on…deep breaths; while America’s men and women in uniform give everything they have, sacrificing life, limb, family and home for America; George W. Bush and the neocons are shoving the Patriot Act down our throats, doing end runs around the FISA courts and spying on more Americans than J. Edgar Hoover ever did. Thank God, for all the military people which have stepped forward to question this President regardless of the threat to their careers. They placed principles before power.

George W. Bush has done more damage to this country’s reputation during his term than anyone in the history of the country. The NeoCon deception, backstabbing, attacking, lying, propaganda machine was an unstoppable behemoth until the Democratic Party and its strategist put an end to its lies with victories in the House and Senate. The next day; Donald Rumsfeld resigns while Bush makes nice with Nancy Pelosi. It’s so obvious and so sick; that we are dealing with a culture of corruption that has no commitment to anything except greed and survival. It is so ugly, snakelike and separate from our natural process that we don’t want to see it. The truth is that there are a people who care only about themselves, their power and their money. Anything that comes from their mouths is to protect one of those things. It has nothing to do with principles.

Impeaching George Bush is the only way for America to wipe the slate clean. It is the only way for America to get a fresh start at home and abroad. It is the only proper way for America to cleanse its wounds and start a sincere healing process. It is the only way to get our soldiers home and protect them while they are overseas. Impeaching George Bush is really the only way that America still has a real future. It is a window of opportunity. Before you can clean up a huge mess you have to stop the mess maker.

If impeachment isn’t pursued Democrats are going to get kicked in the ass and may not win the next election. Even if they win the next election, if impeachment was not pursued, they are not going to be able to blame Bush while they clean up behind him. And there is, oh so much cleaning to do! Speaking of elections, I came upon a fascinating point while reading David Swanson’s excellent article, “A Bulk Rate on Printing Subpoenas?” published in the American Chronicle. As Mr. Swanson so eloquently put it, “In each of the nine cases in the past when one party has raised impeachment, that party has benefitted in the next elections. In other cases when a party has failed to press for impeachment when the grounds for it were widely known, that party has suffered. (Remember Iran Contra?)” Thank you, Dave. When I read that it resonated, it touched a chord. Karl Rove and the neocon strategist would be eating up and utilizing that type of information like a free all you can eat buffet at Denny’s. So whether it is for America’s security or Democratic strategy, George Bush has to go. At this time, both security and strategy go hand in hand. The timing looks auspicious.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006


What a day for news and an ironic day at that. As the neocon establishment heads for the hills, finally forced to look at the quagmire known as Iraq; China is busy making moves on the diplomatic front. Synchronicity or coincidence, I’m not sure, but as President Bush and Co. is getting rebuked by the military establishment and deserting neocons; China just finished hosting Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak. Interestingly enough, the points China is scoring are exactly the ones the US is losing.

The war in Iraq has not only cost lives and tax dollars but the US has lost a lot of love in the Arabic and Muslim nations. According to the Harvard International Review


“…the development of Saudi-US relations held the seeds of its own destruction and was all but destroyed after the crisis of September 11, 2001.”

Those words were written in the winter of 2005 and trust me; the ongoing war in Iraq hasn’t done anything to help improve US relations with the Arab world. That really is too bad because, historically there was a great deal of strength to the Saudi-US relationship and its’ foundation with the historic meeting between FDR and King Abdulaziz. Unfortunately, America is now viewed as an occupier and biased colluder with Israel in attacking the Arab world while supporting the continued development of Israeli settlements on the West Bank. To put it more simply the US is viewed as a perpetual accomplice in the wholesale destruction of the Palestinian people. This is not a way to win friends and influence people in the Middle East. Let us see what China was doing today.

From the People’s Daily Online:

“Chinese President Hu Jintao and Egyptian President Mohammed Hosni Mubarak Tuesday pledged to further strengthen bilateral strategic cooperative relations as the two countries are celebrating 50-year-old official ties.”

Later we see this.

“Mubarak introduced the situation of Middle East and Egypt's viewpoints on the issue.

Hu said China will always stand on the side of Arabian people, and advocates to settle the issue through political negotiations based on relevant UN resolutions.”

Wow, I thought to myself, did he really say the “always” word? I’m no Georgetown graduate but, that is pretty heavy diplospeak. I had to do some more research to confirm and yes; there it was in black and white. I found it at the Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies. (http://www.ipcs.org/Jun_06_china.pdf)

June 1, 2006

“China will always support the just cause of the Arab people for national legitimate rights.”

Wow! Again; I didn’t even know you were allowed to do that. Isn’t AIPAC or some media outlet going to give them a spanking? I remembered when Israel approved the Dubai Ports deal doesn’t China have to go through some red tape? I’d never read anything like this in my life; which tells you; I really don’t get out much. Then I thought about it…China…strategy…Lao Tzu. What was China’s motive? Why were they capitulating to the Arab and Islamic world instead of blind allegiance to Israel? Then I came across a wonderful little chart at www.globalfirepower.com and it all started to make sense.

Data Up Through 2005
NR = Not Reported
Saudi Arabia
















United States of America












Great Britain












Three of the top five countries in the world with proven oil reserves were Arab/Muslim countries. The other two in the top five were Canada whose oil reserves require more expensive refining methods and Venezuela, who’s President Hugo Chavez, recently suffered sulfur burns inside his proboscis while referring to George Bush as the devil.

As far as long term oil supplies go it looks like the diplomatic score is China/Diplomacy 1, America/War 0.

In another synchronous example; we have the return of an American and a Brit who were kidnapped while mapping petroleum deposits of Nigeria’s coast. The fact that they were returned safe is good news. The fact that the kidnapping was one incident among a host of violent acts that has cut Nigeria’s oil production by roughly 25%, is not a good indicator for US strategy in the area. That is, of course, if you believe that it is no coincidence that both kidnapped men worked for Chevron. Thus stands the US relationship with Africa’s largest oil producer and one of the world’s top ten petroleum exporters. So let us once again take a look at China’s diplomatic, “Art of the Real”.

On this same day, during Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak’s visit, some of the Chinese strategy is revealed. In the same speech mentioning, “the just cause of the Arab people”, Chinese President Hu Jintao, says the following.

“On Sino-African relations, Hu said China and African countries are sincere friends and close brothers. The Beijing Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) is a milestone in China- Africa mutually beneficial cooperation and will have a special impact in the history of Sino-African relationship, he said.”

Did Hu Jintao just hi-five his African “brothers”. Damn! (By the way, for those of you unaware, yes, Egypt is in Africa; I know that causes no small amount of pain for certain intellects, but it is true). Well, you might say, that is a very general commitment and has no specific bearing on China and Nigerian oil. And you know what I would say, “You are right!” Then I would say, give me a moment for some brief research and I’ll tell you what China is doing with Nigeria. Then you might say, well, how do you know they are doing anything? Then I would say, “I know because, they are doing it all over the world.” Let’s have a look.

According to Reuters here is what is happening with China and Nigeria. To include everything that China is doing with Africa would require pages.

July 2005 - China and Nigeria sign an $800 million crude oil deal between Petrochina International and the Nigerian National Petroleum Corp. to supply 30,000 barrels of crude oil per day to China.

Jan 2006 - China's top offshore oil producer CNOOC agrees to pay $2.3 billion for a stake in an oil and gas field in Nigeria, Africa's biggest oil-producer. The deal is China's largest ever overseas acquisition.

November 2006 - At a summit in Beijing, 12 Chinese firms and African governments and companies sign deals worth $1.9 billion involving 11 African countries covering areas such as infrastructure, telecoms and technological equipment, mineral resource development and insurance.

That should be sufficient evidence. The incredible thing about the Chinese style is once you know it; you don’t have to know what they are doing, because you already know.

Today’s Oil Scoreboard wraps up with a final score of China 2 America 0. I hope this foreign policy thing doesn’t go the way of US Men’s Olympic Basketball. Perhaps, America should steal a glance at China’s legendary playbook, The Art of War.

Chapter Three, Attack by Strategem, states the following.

“Hence to fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting.”

From the outside; it looks like somebody has been studying their Playbook.

Monday, November 06, 2006



How much information does one need? How many times does something have to be reiterated? How many people, in how many places, in what occupation; have to say the same thing in order to get the message across?

Now the Military Times is speaking through at least four of their newspapers which happen to be, The Marine Corps Times, The Air Force Times, The Army Times and The Navy Times. Can anyone guess what they are saying? They are asking, no…wait, they are telling President Bush that Rumseld must go. How many straws does it take to break in to a red stater’s noggin or a blue state politicians’, for that matter. Excluding, of course, the ones that objected to Bush’s election and the War in the first place. How many of those were there? Not to get sidetracked, it will be hard to ascribe this Military Times editorial to a bunch of left wing kooks that just can’t identify with Middle America. I really think you would be hard pressed to find any pro gun control, gay marriage supporting atheists, in their newsroom or drinking chi-chi’s by the copier, although; it is hard to resist a good chi-chi. No, no my friendly reader let me tell you what the Military Times is all about or better yet I shall show you.

The following quote is taken from http://www.defensenews.com/index.php?S=aboutus, or more simply put DefenseNews.com. It is located in the “About Us” section. Ask and ye shall receive.
“Defense News and its Web site, DefenseNews.com , are part of the Army Times Publishing Company, the leading military and government news periodical publisher in the world. The defense business-to-business unit of the Army Times Publishing Company is called the Defense News Media Group, and includes the following publications: Defense News, Armed Forces Journal, Training & Simulation Journal and Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Journal, along with their Web sites. Army Times Publishing Company’s products also include Army Times, Navy Times, Air Force Time and Marine Corps Times, collectively known as the Military Times Media Group. The Military Times Media Group newsweeklies and companion Web sites are for the rank and file of the U.S. military, covering pay, benefit, career, operational and lifestyle issues affecting the active duty military and the wider U.S. military community. Army Times Publishing Company also produces Federal Times, the leading newsweekly for federal government managers, covering key management issues within all U.S. government departments and agencies.”

Now, when The Military times is telling the President that “Donald Rumsfeld must go”, it could also be inferred that if Donald Rumsfeld doesn’t go that the President’s leadership is in question. It is also a statement that selecting Donald Rumsfeld to be the Secretary of Defense was a horrendous decision and responsible for the mess in Iraq. That’s a pretty hefty statement from “the leading military and government news periodical publisher in the world.” Then you can throw into the pot a host of neocon prototypes fleeing from the scene. According to Vanity Fair and The Guardian; Keith Adelman, Richard Perle, Michael Rubin, David Frum and a host of others are turning on President Bush. Oh my, oh my, timing is everything, is it not? The real irony is that some of these names are hugely responsible for the failed neocon strategy that has consumed world since the Bush Presidency began.

Adelman wrote that “liberating Iraq would be a cakewalk”. Then there is Richard Perle of Plamegate, Chalabi and Mujahedin-e-Khalq.
See (

Then there is David Frum i.e. Mr. Axis of Evil. I tell you Michael Jackson never moon walked this good. When these guys are running; you know the house is on fire. Not to mention, the recent loads of corporate cash flowing over to the Democrats. They always say follow the money. So wake up everybody and check out the Open Source Internet Intelligence Service, specifically,


It’s an April 27, 2006 article called “Blood on the Water” and it is exactly what’s happening now.
The funny thing is that when this whole debacle is over it’s going to be hip to be “progressive”. The unfortunate thing is that many of the supporters of the failed neocon agenda may still be ensconced in their Washington seats, similar to all the Iran-Contra types still loitering around D.C. Who knows, maybe there are some openings at Fox News or The World Bank? Just remember what happened to Joe Leiberman. Where is he now anyway? Wasn’t he a democratic choice for President? John Kerry, well, I think he is pretty much out of it. America has had enough Skull and Bones all over the desert sand for a while. How deep is this political cleansing going to go? Well you check out http://www.osiis.blogspot.com/ and http://www.intertel.blogspot.com/. And we will talk again soon.